Monday, August 20, 2012

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akley with behind Bell Tina came in, walked into the room to see lying on the ground do not see age, but apparently the female patients in the women's side sat two face surprised, Leng Leng two looked at the intruder broke into the child.
See it all, oakley finally realized that Bell Tina want what they are doing, it seems idle little girl to save people save addicted to.
Understand all this, oakley finally calm down, stay quiet next to look at Bell Tina to treat all things in progress for this little girl, he had no interest, oakley did not stop Bell Tina meaningless behavior, Does she think that they can save all these people do? she did not change anything, she made simply in vain Once he and his party left this place, everything is right again to restore the original kind of look.
oakley despite the actions of Bell Tina is not too interested, but he did not stop Bell Tina's action, in his view, he was only in obedience, a wayward noble desire to revel eccentric wishes of the little girls nothing more.
Bell Tina medicine is clearly Chris I saw her only a moment, that pain, groaning with the woman, and gradually stop the voice of the people feel uncomfortable.
Wait until the woman's condition stabilized, Bell Tina went to the the oakley front of a pool of palm. Oakley just stunned for a moment and immediately understand the meaning of Tina Bell, he had reluctantly took out two silver coins.
Bell Tina is clearly on this point a little money and are not satisfied, she did not retract his own hand. Oakley had to have added the two.
Feel to distressed the oakley quickly left the room, he can no longer willing to make greater contributions to the poor woman under the crowd of people around, oakley a long time, Bell Tina room side to come out. Legitimate oakley time to think things over, back to the hotel to. did not think Bell Tina have not even finished to save people's addiction, she continued wandering in the dirty and dilapidated slums,cheap oakley sunglass, oakley the listless takes in Bell Tina behind
The sun is getting down the mountain, when Bell Tina contentedly back to the inn, oakley but mind tired, he was very tired the whole day followed by a love too even to save others as little girls, was a quite tiring work , not to mention his need as a portable bank of this generous little girl all day, he's generous companion has passed donated two gold, twenty-five silver for the money, oakley does distressed, although he can in the name of the imperial envoys requirements of the Governor Department to supplement their journey required. but oakley do not intend to one contact with those Kaao Qi Kingdom of the local aristocracy, and secondly, he also really do not want too much was expended card Ao Qi Kingdom of money. along the way as much as possible to keep saving as much as possible to avoid

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