Wednesday, June 27, 2012

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Monday, June 25, 2012

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Friday, June 22, 2012

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Public Security Bureau sent, accompanied by their two Interpol rambling quietly lead the conversation to the mayor's car was burnt He Jinrong case, but did not find out anything new. Real M1b listening to the case was introduced after very excited, K City North a year ago, a torched car case has been suspended without breaking the will is also the case of the two perpetrators,cheap nba jerseys, if it is, that the backlog can solve the case.
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Heavily guarded detention center, in reading the references and documents, to identify real M1b, Zhang Renhua identity after a detention center, police prepared to Fang Zhongguo and training to mention to charge out. Real M1b quickly inserted the words, say there is nothing too much trouble , we go directly to ask a few words and left the other would also like to visit the detention center internal.
The police pointed out in the detention center that Jiaozhu water peak is also more willing to, then open a thick iron gate, with both of them into a five-story buildings, which is the dormitory where.
The trio walked the long corridor, ear faint singing coming one after another, and have some of pop music is not often heard in the detention center to transform the thinking of educational songs. Real M1b strange looked Zhu water peak a, Zhu water peak explains with a smile that is coming Mid-Autumn Festival, the detention center in order to let the prisoners happy ingenuity to engage in a variety show, so that each dormitory has at least one program, so now there are many prisoners in efforts to karaoke.
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How this pair of virtue, the other prisoners did not hit you? Report disciplining of cadres, did not play. The mlb sigh breath in my heart, quietly asked some cases, let the party training back to the dormitory to go.
This time, real M1b to see the old one less than how well did not intend to immediately save them out now put them out, his kill He Jinrong, the old one less sure will become a key suspect, will be re-caught, and I am afraid will be forced admissions to become a scapegoat, so the most dangerous, the most difficult to stay in the detention center, now it is this old and a less safe place, although to stay inside He Jinrong event will suffer a little bit, but so be it. out, and then save them late.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

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The wheatgrass flame looked back at the two old men, Ouyang sword toward his location nodded, indicating he can start.
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30 m in the the wheatgrass flame in front of an approximately 10-meter-high tree, eyes closed, he can easily sensitive to every leaf of this tree, or even years, left its every trace.
Saw wheatgrass flame suddenly opened his eyes, bright eyes again, into a strange light blue, his left foot quickly forward quickly a slip, at the same time the right foot to collapse straight, upper body slightly forward, the formation of the whole person a pull over the bow, in the hands of swords has been out of the sheath, shining and frowning coldness.
Identified tree targeting of the wheatgrass flame already this tree as a rival in the battle, encounter snow wolves of life and death experience had taught him in order to complete victory in the battle, the opponent must be a dead life, can not tolerate the slightest mercy. his blood and fire exercise monstrous murderous through the body out to the surrounding diffuse, while the surrounding environment seems to sense the flame of change of wheatgrass, issued the same momentum combined with the almost in the blink of an eye, a huge open areas have been such a tsunami-like tumultuous

Sunday, June 17, 2012

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

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Almost going to explode, is also a comfortable and anxious state of suffering.
Jia Yu deliberately not to look at the expression of Zhang Liping, after the release, but also gentle to get your fingers around the circle, to try to speculate on the size and shape, Zhang Liping is even more hard, could not help some breathing space, a sudden, he did not know what to say, but still good jade cheek to his ear, asked: also kept coming on the Zhang Xue mysterious little world of soft, moist feel, I just feel both suddenly in heaven, and suffered torture torment also deemed to have been condemned to the hell.
In fact, the bodily pleasures but secondly, this under the watchful eyes of the one hand, to talk about with a smile maintain a normal face, side still doing this intimate contact with the rebellious kind of psychological stimulation to the most unspeakable.
Fortunately, this time sent a dish the waiter over, its color Hongliang Ma hot and spicy flavor mixing in the air, Jia Yu was taken aback, quickly drew back, Zhang Xue quickly relaxed restrictions Zhang Liping hand, three headlong held chopsticks go to the folder of the one, one to eat under, suddenly, without any intent to The original dish is very unusual, but a Mapo tofu, the dish originated in the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi years, dating back some 100 years.
At that time, the northern suburb of Chengdu Hail Bridge, one exclusively for pedestrians to eating resting shop, the owner, his face a few pitting women, because her husband, surnamed Chen, call her for Chen Mapo Chen Ma the woman's services mainly in the lower working masses are doing small business. But Chen Mapo is not mocked guests earn a small profit.
Because she conscientiously study the relationship between the cook burned a lot of customers, the customers of her home or vice versa, a group to pick the force of the oil basket husband, each meal must be set to buy a few pieces of tofu, cut point beef, scoop from the oil basket of vegetable oil,air jordan 23 shoes, Chen Mapo processed into food for them.
This is a very common thing, but Chen Mapo see the force husband labor-intensive, often tired of the color, and easy to eat vegetables, will affect the appetite Seiko secret agents, they called them after she chopped beef, pan stir-fried, served with chili, tempeh appetizer seasoning. recapture soup, tofu, pan and then add the seasonings.
Mapo Tofu is one of the housekeeping in the Sichuan dishes, but also because of its common and simple, becoming the country's dishes, so we have eaten a lot, but memorable taste of the mouth of the thin, I just feel that his life had ever eaten. tofu,soccer jerseys cheap, actually there is no one comparable to this road before, in a delicate white tofu, dotted with reddish brown ground beef, green garlic and glossy dark green, translucent peripheral circle of marked oil, jade inlaid amber, linen, hot hot, tender, crisp, fragrant, fresh and other flavor elements of everything not missing. This is worth mentioning, a bite of tofu, actually being another mystery of an extremely fresh very tender taste emerged, Pentium in the oral cavity. all kinds of taste have presented fascinating, painfully Zijin the thought of a question:
Then Zhang Liping it was found that the opposite wall hung a wall paper in a framed work of calligraphy, but the book of the late Qing Dynasty poet Feng Jiaji says: to taste the most refined,

Sunday, June 10, 2012

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See this Laizhang Yi Dance raised his head, his face puzzled. He does not understand The Lai Changyi want his contact why? Are we going to be adverse to their families.
Lai Changyi see the Dance of the worry, smiles: The Lai Changyi the smile dispel the doubts of Dance; Laichang Yi Dance of the phone number recorded. Took out their phones and then smiled: Soon after, I will find you. Dance can not think of Lai Changyi so let himself, he suspected that he is not a dream, it is also silly to ask the sentence: Lai Changyi nodded, and then no longer care for him, turned around Huo division division and Yan He said: Fok division division and Yan He nodded at the same time, Lai Changyi and they walked away. Dance was looking at the Lai Zhangyi to leave. relieved, and walked away.
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Friday, June 1, 2012

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It? Security, how is it? Soon as he finished, wait for the security guard said, cox, Zhang Deputy Manager ... I just want to look at his ID! , not Rede Qi, suddenly stammer up.
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Then turned his head and smiling Chu Galaxy said: How nerve trouble Zhang assistant manager ... you tell me how to get my own opinions on the line. hand Road.
Yesterday, he did not hear to say thank Su Lin and Wang and Chu Galaxy, Wang let him to drive until his past, only to see both of them are very enthusiastic and Chu Galaxy to speak, then listen to let him to report tomorrow, next week to work, hearts immediately write down the appearance of Chu Galaxy, that must and who are able to lay a solid relationship to the Wang Chu Galaxy.
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It ...... the trouble Zhang Chu Galaxy polite authentic, automatically security there to listen to the Vice word removed.
Next to those white-collar workers who see the Personnel Department deputy manager of a sudden with one dressed like a migrant teenager went to the executive elevator, and that smile of his face, to be more enthusiasm for how enthusiasm can not help but secretly wondering